Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Executive Order? Government Censorship of Rush Limbaugh.

Two recent articles claiming that President Barack Obama told republicans lawmakers they have to quit listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Ny Post and FoxNews.

Excerpts are similar in each article. Here are some in green italics from Fox:

"President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration."

""You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders."

"While discussing the stimulus package with top lawmakers in the White House's Roosevelt Room, President Obama shot down a critic with a simple message. "I won," he said, according to aides who were briefed on the meeting. "I will trump you on that."


The President of the United States is telling members of our elected government to quit listening to Rush Limbaugh. If you are someone who doesn’t listen to Rush Limbaugh on a regular basis, you probably have absolutely no idea what this really means to all Americans, and how concerned we should all be that this was said.

By telling republicans to quit listening to Rush Limbaugh, President Barack Obama is telling republicans to quit:

Supporting free speech.
Supporting a variety of opinions.
Supporting debate.
Supporting Capitalism.
Supporting the Free market.
Supporting a free market health care system that is second to none.
Rejecting government controlled and rationed health care!
Supporting sound economic logic that forms the foundation for economic conclusions.
Supporting the self responsibility that this nation was founded upon!
Supporting private property ownership.
Supporting the fight against confiscatory taxes.
Supporting achievement and success in the United States of America.
Fighting against communism and socialism.
Working for the ideals and goals that Ronald Reagan stood for.
Supporting what the People need you to support!
Supporting the best solutions for problems we face.


Everything listed above is part of what conservatism is, and conservatism is what Rush Limbaugh and his show are all about. Conservatism is what Rush Limbaugh supports and fights for and advocates every single day he is on the air.

The President of the United States of America is saying republicans have to give up all of our conservative wisdom and ideals, which is what Rush shares over the airwaves every day.

All because Barack Obama won? So he "trumps" it??

NewsFlash: The Conservative principles that Rush Limbaugh and Ronald Reagan have always stood for were not running in election 2008! Contrary to what President Barack Obama is suggesting, he has never run and won against conservative principles!

Obama's opponent, John McCain, did not stand for those principles! John McCain didn’t stand and debate and defend those principles!

Just like he isn’t doing that now!

If John McCain really stood for those principles he would have won! He would have won and he would still be standing up for them now!

But John McCain won't stand for those principles because he doesn’t stand for those principles!

He never has, he never will.

The reality of this whole situation is that everything President Barack Obama and majority leaders Pelosi and Reid want to do to this nation, is wrong. And any republican who goes along with any of it, instead of promoting and defending conservatism, will be just as wrong.

Barack Obama is trying to make Rush Limbaugh into some caricature of an enemy that does not exist, all so Obama and the democrats don't have to defend their poor policies! It seems that President Obama wants to pretend and create this illusion that Rush Limbaugh is so right wing and so partisan. When the truth is, Rush Limbaugh is right! Not right wing! (Don’t take my word for it, if you are ready to wake up, turn off CNN and MSNBC and listen to Rush for yourself, for at least 6 weeks!)

President Obama is denying how positive Rush Limbaugh really is to this nation, and what he really stand’s for.

Rush Limbaugh stands for the power of the individual to carve their own path! Rush Limbaugh stands for the wealth, control and power of this country residing in the People’s hands where it belongs, not in the hands of an ever explanding government. Rush Limbaugh stands against the government creating a crisis and using the People’s money to advance “Party” political agendas!

Rush Limbaugh stands for everything that every American Citizen is promised, and expects from this country. Rush Limbaugh stands for everything that every American Citizen could not even imagine our government trying to take away, but is threatened by extinction at this very moment!

Shutting up Rush Limbaugh is demanding the abandonment of the United States of America, as we know it!

Time to wake up America. The highest eschelon of our government is trying to silence Rush Limbaugh in our debate about government. That speaks volumes. This is a loud warning of danger to all Citizens of this Country, now and into the future!

Thank you to all the articles and pictures that adorn and inspire this post.