Friday, January 30, 2009

5 Billion For ACORN In The Stimulus, Recovery, Reinvestment Bill?

I am hearing that 5 Billion dollars is in the “Stimulous Bill” “Reinvestment Bill” “Recovery Bill” for ACORN.

America is supposedly in a tragic “once in a lifetime” “as bad as the depression” financial crisis, and Citizens of America are being forced by their legislature to pay 5 Billion dollars, that we don’t have, for ACORN?

How does ACORN stimulate our economy and bring jobs?
By all accounts ACORN had a hand in creating this crisis in the first place!

ACORN sued businesses, to force them to give out Sub-Prime loans, which are the very root of this financial crisis.

Besides having a hand in this crisis, ACORN stands accused of fraudulent "voter registrations” all over the Country! Both acts by ACORN are a threat to the USA and every one of Her institutions!

Why would our government for the Citizens of the USA to pay for and back this behavior?

This stimulus bill has been described as the democrat “pet project” bill.

It is clear that this “pet project” bill is very destructive to the USA. Every time America prints money, the value of everything in the Nation goes down. Including the value of the dollar. This reduces the savings and wealth of the Citizens of the USA!

No legislature should be adding pet projects to our “crisis”! Zero pet projects should be added when the United States of America are supposedly in such dire straights.

Adding pet projects to this crisis is adding to the robbery of wealth of the Citizens of the USA, and is a direct attack on the very foundations of our economy! It isn’t solving any crisis!

This bill legislates robbing the Citizens of the USA, and devaluing everything in the USA, under the guise of saving the USA?

This is not going to save the USA. It looks more like an attempt to push Her over a cliff.

(If the dollar crashes, it will be because of these government policies! Is the plan to make the dollar crash?? )

Thanks for considering my rant.


  1. Truly an anti-stimulus package.

    0bama has the gall to tell the fat-cat bankers on Wall st..shame on them..for their billion dollar bonuses.

    Though the message may be can the king of pork with a straight face complain about these gross matters when he set the tone?

    $$ to ACORN, $$ for condoms, international abortion, national mall, sod, and more...

    In a word DISGUSTING!

    52% of American voters put this man into office...I now understand how gullible and ignorant our people wonder why Jim Jones was able to poison so many...

    The danger of 0bama's koolaid is it has the potential to poison an entire nation.

    The antidote? The truth.

  2. I agree, and it can't be said any better than you laid out.

    Thank you for your comments! And the truth!
