Friday, January 30, 2009

I am with Rush Limbaugh

HowTheWorldWorks discusses the indoctrination of the general public, through the liberal media, and schools. Then he touches on government hypocrisy and the stimulus package and Barack Obama's war on Rush Limbaugh.

Government propaganda...

Bob is awesome! And he is always right.

I vote for BOB for president. I'd like him to get in front of the press corps to tell some truth and kick some butt!

Obama's So-Called Stimulus: Good For Government, Bad For the Economy

Great video explanation of the Obama fake stimulus. Speaker goes from department to department showing the stimulus will do nothing but grow government, not the economy.

5 Billion For ACORN In The Stimulus, Recovery, Reinvestment Bill?

I am hearing that 5 Billion dollars is in the “Stimulous Bill” “Reinvestment Bill” “Recovery Bill” for ACORN.

America is supposedly in a tragic “once in a lifetime” “as bad as the depression” financial crisis, and Citizens of America are being forced by their legislature to pay 5 Billion dollars, that we don’t have, for ACORN?

How does ACORN stimulate our economy and bring jobs?
By all accounts ACORN had a hand in creating this crisis in the first place!

ACORN sued businesses, to force them to give out Sub-Prime loans, which are the very root of this financial crisis.

Besides having a hand in this crisis, ACORN stands accused of fraudulent "voter registrations” all over the Country! Both acts by ACORN are a threat to the USA and every one of Her institutions!

Why would our government for the Citizens of the USA to pay for and back this behavior?

This stimulus bill has been described as the democrat “pet project” bill.

It is clear that this “pet project” bill is very destructive to the USA. Every time America prints money, the value of everything in the Nation goes down. Including the value of the dollar. This reduces the savings and wealth of the Citizens of the USA!

No legislature should be adding pet projects to our “crisis”! Zero pet projects should be added when the United States of America are supposedly in such dire straights.

Adding pet projects to this crisis is adding to the robbery of wealth of the Citizens of the USA, and is a direct attack on the very foundations of our economy! It isn’t solving any crisis!

This bill legislates robbing the Citizens of the USA, and devaluing everything in the USA, under the guise of saving the USA?

This is not going to save the USA. It looks more like an attempt to push Her over a cliff.

(If the dollar crashes, it will be because of these government policies! Is the plan to make the dollar crash?? )

Thanks for considering my rant.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Barack Obama Can Decide if He Will Be a Great President or One We Will Always Regret

The 2008 election gave all Americans a clear, completely unimpeded view of how absolutely profound the win of a Black Man to the Presidency is for Black People.

Yes, there are many supporters, of all races, of Obama. But, it is clear that a majority of Black People believe, within the very fiber of their body, that every struggle and effort they ever had in the past led to this moment in history.

Barack Obama is a huge symbol to them.

I pray Barack Obama understands and respects this.

I pray Barack Obama does not take advantage of or betray this.

"Earning" 95% of the Black vote says that Black People are counting on this Presidency being something good. Something they can be proud of. Something that all their hard work, blood, sweat and tears led to.

They are not counting on this Presidency becoming something that we will all look back on with regret and realize to be so devastating, for all Americans, of all races.

President Barack Obama has a huge responsibility and choices now.

President Obama can choose to devastate this nation with socialism/communism, and make it that the struggle the Black People worked so hard for all these years was in vain.

President Obama can choose to make sure that when the Black Man and Woman finally "arrive" in the USA, the Black Man and Woman find that what they fought so valiantly for all those years, is no longer available for them, or anyone else.

Or President Obama can choose to do the right thing. And be a President that we all will always remember as a great President, who really did save the Union!

Barack Obama can decide if he will be a Great President or one we will always regret.

It is up to him.

There are many opportunities to be a Great President here.

President Obama can decide to be a great President if he represents the People of the USA, and resists the powers that want to change the United States of America into something She was never meant to be.

He can be a great President if he restores our capitalist society with opportunity and prosperity abounding, and rejects socialism and communism soundly.

He can be a great President if he rejects and reverses the (imperial corporate!) government takeovers of private business, private property, and personal wealth.

He can be a great President if he reveals the truth behind the Global Warming/Climate Change hoax, instead of burdening the People with regulations and taxes that will never, ever change the weather and climate patterns on Earth. That will only reduce our rights, and increase the size and the power of government over this Country and our lives.

President Obama can be a great President if he encourages capitalism through the World. Letting all the People know that if they want prosperity, like America, capitalism is the answer! Making sure everyone knows that taking America's money, destroying America's integrity (with lies), and taking over or destroying America's wealth and business is not the answer to any problem in the World!

He can be a great President if he insists on poor countries using the free market and capitalism to change their fate! He can be a great President if he makes it clear that poor countries should not allow capitalism to only enrich the government. That is not the way to prosperity! The economy must be in the hands of the People and the free market! The People should be able to start up companies, or buy shares of big businesses that start up or come into their Country. The People should have the ability to own business. Not the government!

President Obama can be a great President if he doesn't force the Citizens of America to carry the heavy burden of structural World poverty that, without economic system changes by the Countries who manufacture poverty, will never be solved.

He can be a great President if he calls out the lying liberal press, then announces that everyone pushing for the fairness doctrine is really calling for censorship, so they can extend their own political power!

Barack Obama has the clout right now to be a Great President. The media built him up so high, he could get away with doing the right thing before they could begin to destroy him in the press.

I "hope" he decides to.

However, if President Obama chooses to stay on the track he is now, we will all look back at this Presidency with the deepest regret. No matter what color we are. No matter where we came from. We will all look back at this time in history with sorrow.

If President Obama continues on his course, we will all have to suffer.

If President Obama does what he said he'll do, we will have to admit to one another that he allowed the power hungry government to take the People's freedom and power away. We will all have to face the fact that that Barack Obama "trumped" us all, and chose the consolidation of power and wealth to the government, over preserving the power and the wealth of the People.

If President Obama keeps his promises, we will not be in charge of the government, the government will be in charge of us. That means we no longer have control over our property, our government, our personal defense, our lives, our health, our money, our future, our prosperity, our opportunity, our fate.....etc.. the government does.

In essense, President Obama can choose to free us, or enslave us.


If President Obama chooses to enslave us, we need to free ourselves!

If we really want to save this country from the fate that Obama promises, a fate that no one of any race or culture would have wanted in the end, we need a serious conversation in America.

Big time serious. A dead serious public conversation. A loud, clear, HONEST, open, conversation.
And we need conservative leadership taking the lead here.

The conservative leadership needs to communicate with the People of the United States of America, as if the whole Country depended on it!

Because it does!!!!!

It should be perfectly clear that this debate over what happens in the USA is not a Black and White or any other race debate.. It is every man's debate. It is the debate of every Citizen of the USA!!!!! Now and future!

It should be clear, from conservatives, that this debate is about political ideology, freedom, prosperity, sovereignty... etc.. that the republicans want to preserve.

This is not a race war.

The truth is, the conservatives want everyone lifted up. No matter who you are. Conservatives believe in creating more and more opportunity for self sufficiency and independence. For ALL. Yes, conservatives believe in a safety net to make sure those who are incapable of self sufficiency and independence have protection. But conservatives don't believe in government dependence for all! They believe in freeing People from government dependence! They believe in property ownership, and no government takeovers....etc..

The conservative republicans have lots of plans for prosperity and freedom and they need to make sure their beliefs become the fabric of this nation, AGAIN.

The conservatives must lead this important debate. Every race, creed and color conservative person must support conservatism with every tool, idea and gift at our disposal.

Let's be clear, this debate will determine if we should all be free together, or if we will all be slaves together.

I pray we will all win our freedom in the USA. People of all races have struggled through a lot of battles to make this Country and Her institutions better and more free. Conservatives of all races are the the ones who are best suited to lead the current fight in this historical, epic, nation defining, battle for freedom.

The Socialist Takeover of Iceland

Ruin the economy, bleed values and wealth away from the People, start a revolution, take the country over, then write legislation to force all wealth, of the wealthy, to stay in the country, for the country's use.

All so the government can bleed even more value and wealth away from the People?

This sounds like a criminal take over and robbery of the People of Iceland. And the hot potato is in the hands of the socialists/communists.

Now we hear the Red-Green Socialists are putting joining the EU off for a while?

It looks like the robbery of the wealth and the sovereignty of the People of Iceland has become the long term plan of this "revolution."

read the original digg story

digg the original digg story

Monday, January 26, 2009

In Debt To Its Ears, California Is Forcing Citizens to Extend Loans to the State

After breaking his campaign promise to solve California's "spending" problem, Arnold Swarzenegger has put the State and the Citizens of California into so much debt and deficit, that the government of California is unable to pay debt owed to Californian Citizens!

Their Income Tax refunds!

Money the State shouldn't even have in the first place, and they can't give it to the People!

This is money that rightly belongs to the Citizens of California, and should never be withheld!

With all the deficit and debt the Californian Government has accumulated, now the Californian Government is forcing Citizens of California to extend a loan to California too!

We are heading in the wrong direction, but apparently we haven't reached the liberal limit? Is the limit when we are all ruined?

It is all a pathetic mess.

An enormous, bloated, unmanageable government always robs and burdens the People!

Now California is selfishly asking for a bailout from the Federal Government. Which means California is asking to burden the whole nation with California's poor management!

Californian Citizens have to be looking around by now, asking how can this be? How can the liberals make a catastrophe out of California?

California is the liberal utopia.

Californians should know that the left's "utopian" policies are dragging the great State of California down, and due to the size of the economy of California, it is dragging the whole Nation down too!!

California is almost to double digit unemployment!

Governor Swarzenegger told Citizens of California this financial mess is like a rock on our chest. For someone who we all thought was so strong, Swarzenegger has proven himself to be a girly man. He has stumbled, and he has dropped the "rock on our chest" himself!

Swarzenegger's faithful liberal media just whistles past the dead body.

Anyone in California wondering what is the interest payment on all our debt? Who are we paying all that interest to? And what does all this debt do to the value of everything in California, every time we increase it??

Government debt should be illegal. Government debt is an admission of government policy that cannot sustain itself!!

Poor government policy should not mean go get a loan, it should mean get rid of that inept government maintaining or expanding that type of policy!

It should be illegal to burden the Citizens of the future with poor decisions of today.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Executive Order? Government Censorship of Rush Limbaugh.

Two recent articles claiming that President Barack Obama told republicans lawmakers they have to quit listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Ny Post and FoxNews.

Excerpts are similar in each article. Here are some in green italics from Fox:

"President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration."

""You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders."

"While discussing the stimulus package with top lawmakers in the White House's Roosevelt Room, President Obama shot down a critic with a simple message. "I won," he said, according to aides who were briefed on the meeting. "I will trump you on that."


The President of the United States is telling members of our elected government to quit listening to Rush Limbaugh. If you are someone who doesn’t listen to Rush Limbaugh on a regular basis, you probably have absolutely no idea what this really means to all Americans, and how concerned we should all be that this was said.

By telling republicans to quit listening to Rush Limbaugh, President Barack Obama is telling republicans to quit:

Supporting free speech.
Supporting a variety of opinions.
Supporting debate.
Supporting Capitalism.
Supporting the Free market.
Supporting a free market health care system that is second to none.
Rejecting government controlled and rationed health care!
Supporting sound economic logic that forms the foundation for economic conclusions.
Supporting the self responsibility that this nation was founded upon!
Supporting private property ownership.
Supporting the fight against confiscatory taxes.
Supporting achievement and success in the United States of America.
Fighting against communism and socialism.
Working for the ideals and goals that Ronald Reagan stood for.
Supporting what the People need you to support!
Supporting the best solutions for problems we face.


Everything listed above is part of what conservatism is, and conservatism is what Rush Limbaugh and his show are all about. Conservatism is what Rush Limbaugh supports and fights for and advocates every single day he is on the air.

The President of the United States of America is saying republicans have to give up all of our conservative wisdom and ideals, which is what Rush shares over the airwaves every day.

All because Barack Obama won? So he "trumps" it??

NewsFlash: The Conservative principles that Rush Limbaugh and Ronald Reagan have always stood for were not running in election 2008! Contrary to what President Barack Obama is suggesting, he has never run and won against conservative principles!

Obama's opponent, John McCain, did not stand for those principles! John McCain didn’t stand and debate and defend those principles!

Just like he isn’t doing that now!

If John McCain really stood for those principles he would have won! He would have won and he would still be standing up for them now!

But John McCain won't stand for those principles because he doesn’t stand for those principles!

He never has, he never will.

The reality of this whole situation is that everything President Barack Obama and majority leaders Pelosi and Reid want to do to this nation, is wrong. And any republican who goes along with any of it, instead of promoting and defending conservatism, will be just as wrong.

Barack Obama is trying to make Rush Limbaugh into some caricature of an enemy that does not exist, all so Obama and the democrats don't have to defend their poor policies! It seems that President Obama wants to pretend and create this illusion that Rush Limbaugh is so right wing and so partisan. When the truth is, Rush Limbaugh is right! Not right wing! (Don’t take my word for it, if you are ready to wake up, turn off CNN and MSNBC and listen to Rush for yourself, for at least 6 weeks!)

President Obama is denying how positive Rush Limbaugh really is to this nation, and what he really stand’s for.

Rush Limbaugh stands for the power of the individual to carve their own path! Rush Limbaugh stands for the wealth, control and power of this country residing in the People’s hands where it belongs, not in the hands of an ever explanding government. Rush Limbaugh stands against the government creating a crisis and using the People’s money to advance “Party” political agendas!

Rush Limbaugh stands for everything that every American Citizen is promised, and expects from this country. Rush Limbaugh stands for everything that every American Citizen could not even imagine our government trying to take away, but is threatened by extinction at this very moment!

Shutting up Rush Limbaugh is demanding the abandonment of the United States of America, as we know it!

Time to wake up America. The highest eschelon of our government is trying to silence Rush Limbaugh in our debate about government. That speaks volumes. This is a loud warning of danger to all Citizens of this Country, now and into the future!

Thank you to all the articles and pictures that adorn and inspire this post.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Glenn Beck: America's crawl to socialism W/ Mike Pence

Glenn Beck's conversation with Congressman Pence about the "Stimulus" package that is really a "Let's screw up the USA with socialism" package.

read more | digg story

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Playing For Change: Song Around the World

The Beauty of Music on full display here...

Exquisite version of "Stand by Me"

YouTube - The Dream and the 44th

MachoSauceProductions gives us another fantastic video. This man requires our full attention.

read more | digg story

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Theme: America is a downright mean Country.

After hearing or reading the bulk of the speeches given during inauguration, I am detecting a reoccurring theme.

That theme is: America is a downright mean Country.

American Citizens were lectured this inauguration.

We are racists (well a certain group of us are).

We are selfish. We are greedy. We are ruining the Earth.

World poverty is our fault.


And pray tell, what could the answer to this awful meanness of the USA be? Socialism of course! The same solution to every problem the Left Manufactures!

So the Sub theme for the 2009 inauguration was “America the evil needs socialism to redeem itself.”

World socialism, as a matter of fact, since President Obama indicates we are going to be responsible for the poverty of the World!

There is a lot of attention focused on Reverend Lowery's closing prayer right now, but the "America the evil & America needs to be saved by socialism" theme started right from the opening prayer !

An excerpt of the Rick Warren’s opening “prayer” to the People of United States of America:

"When we focus on ourselves, when we fight each other, when we forget you, forgive us. When we presume that our greatness and our prosperity is ours alone, forgive us. When we fail to treat our fellow human beings and all the Earth with the respect that they deserve, forgive us."

Yes, this is only a few lines, but to me they say volumes!

The United States of America is the most respectful, caring and most generous nation on the planet. We want everyone to enjoy prosperity! And this type of prayer is what the People of the USA get at the dawning of a new Presidency?

This Nation should be begging forgiveness for all that? Please!

From this inaugural, you would think "America is the big problem in the World."

We cause poverty, so we must somehow fix World poverty, without addressing and correcting the real root causes of that poverty. We must just pay up! Pay no attention to the pathetic economic and governmental systems all over the World that are the real cause of poverty and distress for the People. Nope, it is mean old selfish America who needs to "make the hard decisions" and give up, pay up and change their government and economic systems instead!

That is supposed to be the solution to the World’s problems!


I am no historian. But I just can’t believe that the American People have ever been so slandered at the inauguration of their President in all of our history!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

If democrats are looking to prosecute anyone, they Should Should Take a Good Look in the Mirror!

Nancy Pelosi is saying she is open to prosecuting President Bush and his officials?

Now that President Bush will be outside of the government, Nancy Pelosi is willing to use her full power and monopoly control of the government to come up with her own evidence and run her own investigation and prosecution?

If the democrats are looking to prosecute anyone, they should take a good look in the mirror first!

The democrat party should be prosecuted for everything they have done and are actively doing, from Acorn to Soros, to maintaining policy that is robbing the Citizens of the United States of America of their wealth, property and rights, to cultivating unconstitutional power of the judiciary, to legislating unconstitutional power of the Treasury Secretary, to ignoring our Constitution in general, to this whole financial mess...etc...

And they are going to prosecute George Bush?

The democrats have an agenda to lie to the Citizens of the USA about global warming. They want to use this deception to take Citizen's prosperity, property, wealth and savings, and to burden and destroy American businesses. All so they can "reinvest" and create industries, with their Party friends, that will change absolutely nothing about the climate!

And they are going to prosecute George Bush?

Certain politicians have been involved in destroying businesses on purpose, and certain politicans are exploiting the situation by nationalizing these companies (at the new low prices), or allowing Party friends to buy American businesses out at a discount.

It really looks like the democrats are sponsoring a criminal free for all in our financial system ! Everything at least 50% off!

And they are going to prosecute George Bush?

The democrats want to enforce illegal censorship and to silence all opposition to their agenda inside and outside of the government.

And they are going to prosecute George Bush?

The democrats were determined to write into the old "Bailout" legislation that they will give financial grants to ACORN, who is accused of voter fraud all over this Country, and is clearly the registration arm of the democrat party!
Will they write it into the new Bailout/Reinvestment bills?

This sure makes it look like the democrats are using the People's money to recruit for their party!!

And they are going to prosecute George W. Bush?

(While we are in this supposed crisis, they give bailout money to ACORN?????? In the Crisis Bill?? Democrats using the "crisis" money for something like that makes you wonder if any of this "crisis" is really a crisis at all! Using "crisis" money for Party recruiting makes you wonder if this has been manufactured lies and panic all along. All for Party money, ownership and power!)

The democrats oversee the government and are using their power to destroy our financial market, rob us of our wealth, our value and our property, so they can own it and spend it and "reinvest it" as they wish!

By the way, the democrats are not "reinvesting." "Reinvesting" is such a bogus word in this situation! What they are doing is "gambling." They are gambling it all away on something that will NEVER pay off.

Then they tell us we have to reign in our lifestyles!

And they are going to prosecute George Bush??

All of this is the ultimate in hypocrisy.

Thank you for reading my opinion. I am not a news reporter. This is not a news story.

Monday, January 19, 2009

(Digg Story) Sarkozy: “Arabic Is the Language of the Future" - (Or in Other Words, France is on Self Destruct Mode

Those who will claim "hate" "racism" and "unfair" when someone points out that France is self destructing, are insincere at best.

The Islamic leaderhip asks of France what they would violently march against in any country in the middle east!

They want France to change, but they demand dominance and they demand that they have to stay the same and everyone needs to accomodate that.

If this was all really an effort for sincere integration, sharing, understanding, respect for eachother, and all that they are claiming, things would be a lot different.

Big time different!

There wouldn't be threats. There wouldn't cultivate division. They would have their homes in order and they would be offering wonderful examples, to all of this, of this type of life.

But that is not what we see.

Their examples they show us day in and day out are nothing but oppression, intolerance, division, hopelessness and stagnation!I

f they really wanted respect for multple cultures in one Country anywhere, we would see respect and special accomodation for multiple cultures all over the middle east! In every Country.

But you see none of that in the middle east.

The Islamic leadership knows that the multiculturalism they want in France destroys the cohesion of a Country, so they won't allow it.

In middle eastern countries, that is.

Let's stop pretending that they have the answer, when they have a huge problem and they want to spread it everywhere else!

read the Original Story - Sarkozy: Arabic is the Language of the Future

digg Original Story - Sarkozy: Arabic is the Language of the Future

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Marxist Lie - Socialism is Practical Christianity

The marxists are saying that socialism is "practical Christianity."

This is a dangerous scam!

They want to make it your Christian duty to be a socialist!! When socialism has nothing to do with being Christian!

It's a marxist website. Which is communism. Which has zero to do with Chrisitianity, and touts atheism!

It is all a lie! So the governmet can have more power over all of us!

They are trying to use religion to push their political agenda!

God doesn't want us living for the government! God doesn't want us giving up all our property and prosperity to the government!

The government isn't God!

But this scam is basically saying the government decides what God's will is!! And the government will take as much power, prosperity, property, and rights away from us as they want, to accomplish it!

Join in on the "digg" conversation about the original "Socialism is Practical Christianity" story dicussed in this blog

Ramos & Compean Case Still Raising Questions

I have heard the facts of the Ramos & Compean case many times.

My sticking point in this whole thing is this: (and perhaps you have thoughts on it you can share?)

I just can't over come the fact that the DOJ charged these men for "using a gun" during a "crime," when they were both on the job protecting the border.

(This, by the way, automatically added 10 years to any sentence).

Using a gun during a crime?? They were border agents, using guns issued by the border patrol, while they were on shift guarding the border. That the DOJ charged them with "using a gun" during a "crime" just smacks of bending the law for politics.

Ramos and Compean both shot at someone they thought was a drug running criminal, in the course of their job as border patrol officers, and he got away. I don't know how that can be called a crime?

Where is the crime?

Unless enforcing the border is a crime?

If they shot at the drug runner, and that stopped him, and they arrested him, would it still have been a crime? If so, why would two experienced border officers do that? They wanted to commit career suicide that night?

I am convinced that when they shot, they thought they were doing the right thing.

From what I understand, both Compean and Ramos said the drug runner had a gun and shot at them. The drug runner said in court that he didn't have a gun. But I think the he is a seriously discredited witness from everything I heard (had immunity and anonymity in the trial. The jury didn't get to know who he was, why he was on the border that night, or that he was a drug runner that ran drugs before and during the trial.)

(How many border drug runners are unarmed, on average??)

Anyway, Ramos and Compean, as long term border agents, were shooting at the man to stop him, so they could capture him, and arrest him. DOJ claiming the whole scenario was a crime is saying Ramos and Compean were rogues who shot at the drug runner with the intent of killing him and hiding the body or something????

What was their motivation to do a criminal act like that? They have no history of this.

It doesn't make sense.

As far as hiding the evidence? Again, I'd say that they were experienced officers who have been on the force for years and they wouldn't have done that if they apprehended the drug runner and arrested him.

So keeping that in mind I have two theories of why they disposed of the shells. One, perhaps it was laziness to avoid writing a report? Or two, perhaps it was common practice among all officers to just throw away shells when there is no apprehension, and hence no report is written.

If anything, these men should have been punished for not writing a report, and for throwing away the shells, by their job. But I just don't think the charges and the prosecution was just.

Ramos and Compean were two family guys out there doing their job for the United States of America. They were not out on a crime spree!

This is something I just can't reconcile in this case, which makes me certain politics are involved.

Along with that always comes injustice.

read more about the "hit" on the Ramos Family **********************

digg and join in on the conversation about WorldetDaily Ramos Family "hit" story

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Inhofe Speaking Up for the People of the USA! Again! - The Minnesota Recount Was Unconstitutional

This article helps you really understand it all.

read more | digg story

Monday, January 12, 2009

Floor Speech: Inhofe Angered by President's Decision on TARP

Great speech addressing the Bailout Catastrophe! This is one of the few representatives that the People of the United States of America has left!!Worth 13 minutes of your time! If you want to hear causes and issues involved in the Bailout, and the reason the Bailout needs to stop, this is your video!

read more | digg story

Inhofe Angered by President's Decision to Spend Second Installment of $350 Billion

YouTube Press office of Inhofe release!

Inhofe is one of the few in our Government who still represent the People!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Czech and EU Leader Considers Global Warming a Myth

Some Wisdom in Europe?

read more | digg story

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Debate on the Economy

Peter Schiff makes sense.

Leeb, the guy he debates uses insults, interruptions and pettiness to try and discredit him. Leeb is an idiot.

CNN: Lightweight of the Week

Awesome Online News Reporting from HowTheWorldWorks on

This is a must see video.

If you are someone who believes we need more pundits spreading the truth, I recommend Subscribing to this Channel.

Friday, January 9, 2009

It's So Cold People Are Burning Al Gore's Book

Newsbusters Picture: It's so cold that people in Belgium are burning copies of the print version of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth."

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Economic Stimulus plan...

Bob puts the Economic Stimulous Plan into Perspective.. And He is right.

God of this City - Chris Tomlin

For your spiritual side.. A beautiful song with inspiraton to keep working for what is yet to come! Get Invigorated!

Obama spent $800,000 to hide a $10 Birth Certificate

Spending $800,000 to hid a $10 Birth Certificate? Obama could have ended this controversy by spending $10.00 and just showing the "real" Birth Certificate!

The author of this video asks, "do you think Obama might have something to hide?"

From the Donkey's Mouth with another great production.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nancy Pelosi Breaks the "Power Hungry" Glass Ceiling

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is using her gavel to silence opposition. We are finally getting a glimpse into what the mysterious "change" really means, and what it really costs!

read more | digg story

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Plain Truth about Glorious Carbon Dioxide

Good News in the New Year from Canada! And its Glorious!

Alan Carouba writes:

The Plain Truth about Glorious Carbon Dioxide, nitwits babbling about CO2 and global warming, global warming hoax, United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

read more digg story