The NY Post is reporting that half of the Obama -
Pelosi- Reid stimulus package goes to unions. And only 10% of the stimulus will be spent in 2009!
Ny Post Headline:
Politics of Payoff by Ben Stein. (h/t
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Stein's article is giving us a good glimpse into how the Obama -
Pelosi-Reid plan is going to work.
We are in the middle of a so called "crisis of historical significance," and politicians are legislating enormous political payoffs to party supporters/donors, with money the People of the USA don't even have, and can't afford.
Meanwhile, private sector jobs are disappearing, private asset values are falling, people are getting forced onto food stamps, and we keep hearing the taxpayers need to tighten their belts.
Last I heard unions are 12% of the workforce, and they are getting 50% of the bailout?
How does that make sense at all?
Every American Citizen is being forced to pay so unions can get bigger and more powerful. Which, by no coincidence, will make the "Party" bigger and more powerful too. This will make it that businesses will be impossible to open and run, privately.
Just like in Europe!
It looks like our government is destroying jobs in the private sector to grow jobs for the unions!
So the "Party" benefits.
So now, instead of the People of the USA working their whole lives so they can provide for themselves, own nice things and can live comfortably in their old age, the Obama-
Pelosi-Reid plan makes it that the People of the USA have to work their whole lives for the government and the "Party."
The People will work their whole lives so the government can own things, control things, have more power and create more government dependency. And so the "Party" supporters can own nice things and they can live comfortably in their old age.
To me this means forget about starting up or running private businesses, taking the risks, working the hours, and hiring and paying People in the USA. They are trying to make it not worth it anymore. It will all be taken from you, why make the effort?
Businesses who are voluntarily laying off or closing, must already see the writing on the wall!
It looks like the Party and Party supporters are central in this Country's focus and direction now. It is no longer about all the Citizens of the United States of America. The rest of us are peripheral, and will get what is rationed out, regulated, and allotted by that government and the Party!
So much for the government for the people by the people and of the people.
We now have government for the government, by the government and of the government.
Ben Stein tells us that only 10 percent of the "stimulus" is to be spent on 2009. This is solid proof, to me, that this whole idea that this "stimulus" must happen so quickly, or else, is a lie. How is this an emergency stimulus if we can drag all that money over years, and the first year is nearly negligible?
That is no emergency! It looks more like Party political strategy!
(And remember, this is just a start, this is going to be dragged out for years!)